Alfa Romeo Renovation

Alfa Romeo RenovationWe were tasked to repair and restore Alfa Romeo car seats and door cards, being a classic car these were showing there age along with lots of wear and tear with a lot of staining which has been caused by water damage, this in turn made the seats to be unsightly.

alfa romeo drivers seat
alfa romeo drivers seat
alfa romeo passanger seat
alfa romeo passanger seat

Alfa Romeo Renovation (Stage 1)We stated by deep cleaning the seats using a strong Leather Cleaner and a tampico brush to reach deep in to the grain. This enable us to remove as much of the surface dirt as possible.Alfa Romeo Renovation (Stage 2)Removing the manufactures finish using a Leather Prep, when restoring a classic car seat like these it is very important to remove as much of the top finish as possible, the seats over the years would have been cleaned and creamed and sprayed with a large number of leather cleaners and protection creams and without removing all of these would leave for a short lasting repair.Alfa Romeo Renovation (Stage 3)Now the leather has been prepped we can undertake repairs to any of the leather surfaces, i.e. rips or tears, in this case there was only a very small out of repairs hat required to be undertaken.Alfa Romeo Renovation (Stage 4)Due to the vast amount of water damage it was vital to apply a stain blocker prior to any new leather dye to be added this blocks in the staining on the leather which means the stains would not bleed back through at a later date.Alfa Romeo Renovation (Stage 5)We apply a base coat of leather dye by hand and a cloth making sure the new leather dye reaches all the hard to reach areas allowing for a great adhesion base coat. Once this has been completed we build up the colour using a air brush leaving for a nice uniformed finish, at this stage the seats are now looking like new and just require sealing.Alfa Romeo Renovation (Stage 6)By applying a new sealant to the top finish allows for the leather dyes to be sealed in and a lot harder finish to stop the premature wear and tear.

Alfa Romeo Drivers seat after
Alfa Romeo Drivers seat after
Alfa Romeo Drivers seat 50/50
Alfa Romeo Drivers seat 50/50

Below are a few more pictures taken on this renovation we also undertook the repairs on the pvc door cards, we have brought this interior back up to a car showroom condition which the customer can now start showing the car at car shows across the Uk, if you have a classic car of any kind Mobile Leather Repairs will be able to help.

Alfa Romeo door card 50/50
Alfa Romeo door card 50/50
Alfa Romeo door card
Alfa Romeo door card
Alfa Romeo door card
Alfa Romeo door card
Alfa Romeo door card
Alfa Romeo door card

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